In case you are here because you had a flat, here are some options:
Here is my car after a flat, it is tough to believe
It was an emergency exit from freeway
Tesla Flat Tire
My story: It happened on a 4hr road trip. The tires were about a year old at 22k miles after the original tieres were replaced at 15k. America Tire folks told me it is normal for Model X. 7k is the new normal.
The tire looked all worn out so it is a bit of a mystery how this wore out so fast in 7k. Question to take to America Tire. The Tesla folks recommended we should get tires from thrid party because we will get warranty. I am not sure if the warranty is any good. Best warranty is the one I don't need to use because the product works as promissed
Update: we observed increased rattle while driving and took it for service thre was a lot of work done replacing parts and so on. When I first setup service from the app they said I had to pay $480, I had to agree for this charge even before they looked at the problem. I made up my mind to give Tesla a blank check and went with the service. They told us it is covered under warranty.
I can't prove the tire wear out is related to this - it is hard to prove or disprove anything - but increased wear out on the second set of tires goes with incresed rattle over time. They did not call us when returning the car, just pick it from the parking lot, find it by yourself with the app. So I did not get a chance to ask any follow up questions, they said the fast tire wear is normal and claimed it is related to city use, we drive quite a few freeway miles as well and a lot of it is driven by the auto pilot.
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